All Community WHU fields are CLOSED - Updated as of 6:00 pm on March 16, 2024.

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Click for City Fields


Discovery Ridge North (DRN)

– This field is located at 160 Discovery Ridge Blvd SW.
– The map leads you to a parking lot beside the fields.
– North is the field closest to the parking lot.
– There is a playground beside the field.
– There is coffee across the street and many walking paths nearby.


Discovery Ridge South (DRS)

– This field is located at 160 Discovery Ridge Blvd SW.
– The map leads you to a parking lot beside the fields.
– North is the field furthest from the parking lot.
– There is a playground beside the field.
– There is coffee across the street and many walking paths nearby.


Ernest Manning
– This field is located at Ernest Manning High School 20 Springborough Blvd SW.
– Map brings you to the parking lot.
– There is a coffee shop down the street from the school.



– This field is located at 5016 46 Ave SW.
– A few minutes drive from shopping center.


Montreux Bottom

– This field is located at 530 St Moritz Dr SW.
– There is a park around the corner.


Montreux Top

– This field is located at 530 St Moritz Dr SW.
– There is a park around the corner.


Sierra Morena Upper (SMU)

– This field is located at 6720 Sierra Morena Blvd SW.
– This is a group of 6 smaller fields on top of the hill north of the path.


Sierra Morena Lower (SML)

– This field is located at 6801 Sierra Morena Blvd SW.
– This is the large space with smaller fields marked out.


Signal Ridge North (SRN)

– This field is located at 180 Sienna Heights Way SW.
– You cannot see this field from the road as it is on top of the hill.
– There is a path that leads up to the field.
– This is the larger field perpendicular to the east and west fields.


Signal Ridge Southeast (SRSE)

– This field is located at 180 Sienna Heights Way SW.
– You cannot see this field from the road as it is on top of the hill.
– There is a path that leads up to the field.
– This is the field that is further from the hill and lower baseball diamond.


Signal Ridge Southwest (SRSW)

– This field is located at 180 Sienna Heights Way SW.
– You cannot see this field from the road as it is on top of the hill.
– There is a path that leads up to the field.
– This is the field closer to the hill and lower baseball diamond.


Sirocco East (SDE)

– This field is located at 44 Signal Hill Cir SW.
– This is the field closer to the lower hill.


Sirocco West (SDW)

– This field is located at 44 Signal Hill Cir SW.
– This it the field further from the lower hill.


Springbank Hill East (SHE) - Griffith Woods School

– This field is located at 7652 26 Ave SW.
– The map takes you to the front of the school but fields are in the back.
– This is the field closer to the road.
– There is a coffee shop down the street.


Springbank Hill West (SHW) - Griffith Woods School

– This field is located at 7652 26 Ave SW.
– The map takes you to the front of the school but fields are in the back.
– This is the field further from the road.
– There is a coffee shop down the street.


Westgate Southwest

– This field is located at 4943 8 AV SW, Calgary, AB.
– Map take you to the community center parking lot but the fields are on the other side on 10th ave.
– This field is the one closer to the community center.


Westgate Southeast

– This field is located at 4943 8 AV SW, Calgary, AB.
– Map take you to the community center parking lot but the fields are on the other side on 10th ave.
– This field is the one further from the community center.


Westside Rec (WRC1)

– This field is located at 2000 69 St SW.
– Map takes you to the entrance of Westside rec, turn right to get to the fields.


Westside Rec (WRC2)

– This field is located at 2000 69 St SW.
– Map takes you to the entrance of Westside rec, turn right to get to the fields.